Timothy Patrick Andrews - Online Memorial Website

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Timothy Andrews
Born in California
44 years
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Life story
December 15, 1962
Born in California Modesto on December 15, 1962.
January 22, 2007
Passed away on January 22, 2007 at the age of 44.
February 19, 2007

April 1, 2007
Tim was born to Dearl and Polly Andrews on December 15, 1962.  He was the youngest of 8 kids.  His sister pam was killed in a car accident when Tim was 5 years old.  He loved to work on cars and get a great deal on spare car parts, something he learned from his Dad.  He was a really cute little boy.  Mom used to make his favorite dish, creamed noodles.  While the rest of us ate eggs, bacon and toast, Tim would request his favorite.  We all spoiled him and sometimes were a little jealous of all of the attention he got.  When Tim grew up and married Darla they had two boys, Jeff and Justin.  They were married for about 15 years.  After they were divorced, Tim met Sheila.  Sheila had three children of her own, her youngest son, Dustin was only 7 months old, so Tim raised him and became a Father to her other two Anthony and Jessica also.  They moved to Ava, Missouri about 4 years ago.  Jeff and Justin eventualy moved there too.  They were all one big family.  Losing Tim was saddest thing that could have ever happened.  The Family will never be the same.